There is much confusion among those wishinbg to identify religious relics, due to the use of Latin abbreviations. I have put together a short list of the more common ones:
arca mortuaria - mortuary box, container
arca sepulerali- coffin
breviario - breviary
coronse spinse D.N.J.C. - crown of thorns of Our Lord Jesus Christ
[cravio] corporis - body
de velo - from the veil
domini nostri jesu christi, D.N.J.C. - Our Lord Jesus Christ
domo - house
ex bireto - from the biretta
ex capillus - from the hair
ex carne - from the flesh
ex cineribus - from the ashes
ex indumento - from the clothing
ex ligneo pulvere, mixto pulveri corporis, quem residuum continebat prima capsa funeralis - from the remains of the wood, mixed with the dust of the body, the residue of which was contained in the first box, [or sarcophagus]
ex ossibus - from the bones
ex praecordis - from the stomach or intestines
ex praesepis - birthplace of D.N.J.C.
ex pelle - from the skin
ex pluviali - cope [ cloak wore for Benediction ]
ex sportula - from the little basket
ex stipite affixionis - probably means "from the whipping post"
ex strato - from the covering [ blanket ]
ex tela serica quae tetigit cor - from the silk cloth which touched the heart
ex tunica - from the tunic
Now let's move forward to the initials that follow the name to which the relic belongs:
AP. - Apostle
C. - Confessor
D. - Doctor of the Church
E. - Bishop
EV. - Evangelist
F. - Founder of Order
Lev. - Deacon
M. - Martyr
Poen. - Penitent
PP. - Pope
Reg. - King or Queen
V. - Virgin
Vid. - Widow
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Chanel, Diana Style!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
The Paris Meridian Line

The best thing about Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code is the attention it has brought to a little-recognized attraction of Paris.
The Paris Meridian Line lost out to Greenwich as the Prime or Zero Meridian, the datum for all measurements of longitude. It was established in 1667 and revised/extended several times, most famously by François Arago (1786-1853). To commemorate Arago an 'invisible monument' was created by Dutch artist, Jan Dibbets, in 1994. The newer 'An 2000 - La Méridienne Verte' markers are much easier to spot than the Arago medallions as they are on 1m [3 feet] high pedestals.
It consists of 135 bronze medallions, each 12cm [4.7"] in diameter, inlaid into the ground along a 9.2km [5.7 mile] stretch of the Paris Meridian Line. The 'official' documentation about the monument states that there are 135 medallions, but their own Arago Medallion Location List only details 120 items.
It is difficult but not impossible to walk the line, using the markers as a guide, and a number of medallions are in places not accessible to the public, e.g. private gardens or courtyards. This includes ten medallions inside the grounds of the l'Observatoire de Paris - an area only accessible by prior, written application.
The following is a partial list:
At no. 18 Avenue de la Porte Montmartre at the main entrance of the public library. Lat.: 48° 53' 57.940" N (estimated)
At the corner of Rue René Binet and Avenue de la Porte Montmartre. Lat.: 48° 53' 56.880" N (estimated)
At no. 45-47 Avenue Junot. Lat.: 48° 53' 21.410" N
At no. 15 Rue S. Dereure. Lat.: 48° 53' 19.160" N
At no. 3 Avenue Junot. Lat.: 48° 53' 16.850" N
At no. 10 Avenue Junot. Lat.: 48° 53' 16.230" N (estimated)
Mire du Nord At no. 1 Avenue Junot, in a private garden with restricted access. Lat.: 48° 53' 16.220" N, Lon.: 2° 20' 13.500" E
At no. 79 Rue Lepic. Lat.: 48° 53' 14.532" N
At no. 21 Boulevard de Clichy, side pavement (côté trottoir). Lat.: 48° 52' 58.140" N (estimated)
At no. 21 Boulevard de Clichy, on the main road (sur le terre plein central). Lat.: 48° 52' 57.180" N (estimated)
At no. 5 Rue Duperré. Lat.: 48° 52' 55.670" N E011 At no. 69-71 Rue Pigalle. Lat.: 48° 52' 53.810" N (estimated)
At no. 69-71 Rue Pigalle. Lat.: 48° 52' 53.380" N
In the inner yard of the National Education Ministry, 34 Rue de Chateaudun. Lat.: 48° 52' 35.720" N (estimated)
In the inner yard of the National Education Ministry, 34 Rue de Chateaudun. Lat.: 48° 52' 35.370" N (estimated)
Outside no.34 Rue de Chateaudun. Lat.: 48° 52' 34.500" N
At no. 16-18 Boulevard Haussmann. Lat.: 48° 52' 21.500" N (estimated)
At no. 9-11 Boulevard Haussmann. Lat.: 48° 52' 20.620" N
In front of the brasserie at the corner of Rue Taitbout and Boulevard des Italiens. Lat.: 48° 52' 18.444" N
At no. 24 Boulevard des Italiens. Lat.: 48° 52' 17.400" N
At no. 16 Rue du 4 Septembre. Lat.: 48° 52' 10.520" N (estimated)
At no.15 Rue Saint Augustin. Lat.: 48° 52' 7.930" N
At no.24 Rue de Richelieu. Lat.: 48° 51' 54.330" N
At no.9 Rue de Montpensier. Lat.: 48° 51' 51.520" N E024 In the Palais-Royal. Lat.: 48° 51' 50.970" N (estimated)
In the Palais-Royal. Lat.: 48° 51' 50.462" N
In the Palais-Royal. Lat.: 48° 51' 49.953" N
In the Palais-Royal. Lat.: 48° 51' 49.445" N
In the Palais-Royal. Lat.: 48° 51' 48.937" N
In the Palais-Royal. Lat.: 48° 51' 48.428" N
Outside the Palais-Royal. Lat.: 48° 51' 47.920" N
At the corner of Place Colette and Conseil d'État, Rue Saint Honoré. Lat.: 48° 51' 47.412" N (estimated)
'An 2000 - La Méridienne Verte' Paris Meridian Line marker. Lat.: 48° 51' 46.970" N
In the Place du Palais Royal, beside Rue de Rivoli. Lat.: 48° 51' 45.000" N (estimated)
'An 2000 - La Méridienne Verte' Paris Meridian Line marker. Lat.: 48° 51' 43.970" N
On the Rue de Rivoli, just inside the Richelieu Wing passage entrance Lat.: 48° 51' 43.880" N
In the Louvre (Richelieu Wing), in the hall of the French Sculpture (in the passage between the 5th - 18th c. and the 18th - 19th c. areas). Lat.: 48° 51' 43.210" N
In the Louvre (Richelieu Wing), in the hall of the French Sculpture Lat.: 48° 51' 42.500" N (estimated)
In the Louvre (Richelieu Wing), in front of the ground floor escalator (18th - 19th century French Sculpture area, see detail). Lat.: 48° 51' 41.790" N
At the Louvre (Napoleon Court), east of the pyramid. Lat.: 48° 51' 40.896" N
At the Louvre (Napoleon Court), east of the pyramid. Lat.: 48° 51' 40.068" N
At the Louvre (Napoleon Court), east of the pyramid. Lat.: 48° 51' 39.200" N
At the Louvre (Napoleon Court), east of the pyramid. Lat.: 48° 51' 38.268" N
At the Louvre (Napoleon Court), east of the pyramid. Lat.: 48° 51' 37.440" N
In the Louvre (Denon Wing), on the main ground floor stairs (Etruscan and Roman Antiquities area). Lat.: 48° 51' 36.720" N
In the Louvre (Denon Wing), in the hall of Roman antiques (Etruscan and Roman Antiquities area). Lat.: 48° 51' 35.890" N (estimated)
In the Louvre (Denon Wing), in the hall of Roman antiques (Etruscan and Roman Antiquities area). Lat.: 48° 51' 35.000" N (estimated)
'An 2000 - La Méridienne Verte' Paris Meridian Line marker. Lat.: 48° 51' 34.360" N
On the Quai du Louvre, close to the entrance to the pavillon Daru. Lat.: 48° 51' 34.330" N
On the Port du Louvre, on the walkway beside the Seine. Lat.: 48° 51' 33.670" N
On the Port des Saints-Pères waterfront. Lat.: 48° 51' 29.090" N (estimated)
On the Quai de Conti, near the Institut de France. Lat.: 48° 51' 28.730" N
On the Quai de Conti, near the Institut de France. Lat.: 48° 51' 28.170" N
In the Place de l’Institut near Rue de Seine walkway. Lat.: 48° 51' 27.170" N
At no. 3 Rue de Seine. Lat.: 48° 51' 25.600" N (estimated)
At no. 3 Rue de Seine. Lat.: 48° 51' 25.300" N (estimated)
At no. 3 Rue de Seine. Lat.: 48° 51' 25.000" N (estimated) E054 At no. 12 Rue de Seine. Lat.: 48° 51' 23.680" N (estimated)
At the corner of Rue de Seine and Rue des Beaux-Arts. Lat.: 48° 51' 22.680" N
At no. 152 Boulevard Saint-Germain. Lat.: 48° 51' 11.270" N
At no. 125-127 Boulevard Saint-Germain. Lat.: 48° 51' 10.476" N
At no. 28 Rue de Vaugirard (Sénat side). Lat.: 48° 50' 57.370" N
In the Jardin de Luxembourg, on asphalted or cemented spaces. Lat.: 48° 50' 52.800"
'An 2000 - La Méridienne Verte' Paris Meridian Line marker. Lat.: 48° 50' 51.790" N
'An 2000 - La Méridienne Verte' Paris Meridian Line marker. Lat.: 48° 50' 50.750"N
'An 2000 - La Méridienne Verte' Paris Meridian Line marker. Lat.: 48° 50' 47.670" N
In the Jardin de Luxembourg, on asphalted or cemented spaces. Lat.: 48° 50' 47.030"
In the Jardin de Luxembourg, on asphalted or cemented spaces. Lat.: 48° 50' 46.930" N
In the Jardin de Luxembourg, on asphalted or cemented spaces. Lat.: 48° 50' 46.830" N
In the Jardin de Luxembourg, on asphalted or cemented spaces. Lat.: 48° 50' 45.530" N (estimated)
In the Jardin de Luxembourg, on asphalted or cemented spaces. Lat.: 48° 50' 44.412" N
In the Jardin de Luxembourg, on asphalted or cemented spaces. Lat.: 48° 50' 43.070" N (estimated)
In the Jardin de Luxembourg, on asphalted or cemented spaces. Lat.: 48° 50' 41.960" N (estimated)
In the Jardin de Luxembourg, on asphalted or cemented spaces. Lat.: 48° 50' 40.848" N
In the Jardin de Luxembourg, on asphalted or cemented spaces. Lat.: 48° 50' 40.270" N
On Rue Auguste Comte, at the entrance to Jardin R. Cavelier-de-la-Salle. Lat.: 48° 50' 39.552" N
On Avenue de l'Observatoire, on the pavement beside the garden. Lat.: 48° 50' 37.180" N (estimated)
On Avenue de l'Observatoire, on the pavement beside the garden. Lat.: 48° 50' 35.016" N
At the corner of Avenue de l'Observatoire and Rue Michelet. Lat.: 48° 50' 33.756" N E073 In the Jardin Marco Polo. Lat.: 48° 50' 31.700" N (estimated)
In the Jardin Marco Polo (near the ping-pong table). Lat.: 48° 50' 30.300" N (estimated)
In the Jardin Marco Polo. Lat.: 48° 50' 29.000" N (estimated)
'An 2000 - La Méridienne Verte' Paris Meridian Line marker. Lat.: 48° 50' 27.830" N
At the corner of Avenue de l'Observatoire and Rue d'Assas. Lat.: 48° 50' 27.420" N (estimated)
In the Place Camille Jullian. Lat.: 48° 50' 27.024" N E078 In the Place Camille Jullian. Lat.: 48° 50' 26.590" N (estimated)
At the corner of Avenue Denfert Rochereau and Avenue de l'Observatoire (Observatory side). Lat.: 48° 50' 18.312" N
'An 2000 - La Méridienne Verte' Paris Meridian Line marker. Lat.: 48° 50' 18.024" N
On the Avenue de l'Observatoire. Lat.: 48° 50' 16.700" N (estimated)
On the Avenue de l'Observatoire. Lat.: 48° 50' 15.380" N (estimated)
In the North side courtyard of l'Observatoire de Paris. Lat.: 48° 50' 12.760" N (estimated)
In the North side courtyard of l'Observatoire de Paris. Lat.: 48° 50' 12.150" N (estimated)
Inside l'Observatoire de Paris. Lat.: 48° 50' 11.500" N (estimated)
On the north and south side terrace and upstairs garden within the protected limits of the Observatory. Lat.: 48° 50' 10.270" N (estimated)
On the north and south side terrace and upstairs garden within the protected limits of the Observatory. Lat.: 48° 50' 9.565" N (estimated)
On the north and south side terrace and upstairs garden within the protected limits of the Observatory. Lat.: 48° 50' 8.860" N (estimated)
On the north and south side terrace and upstairs garden within the protected limits of the Observatory. Lat.: 48° 50' 8.155" N (estimated)
On the north and south side terrace and upstairs garden within the protected limits of the Observatory. Lat.: 48° 50' 7.450" N (estimated)
On the north and south side terrace and upstairs garden within the protected limits of the Observatory. Lat.: 48° 50' 6.745" N (estimated)
On the north and south side terrace and upstairs garden within the protected limits of the Observatory. Lat.: 48° 50' 6.040" N (estimated)
On the Boulevard Arago (in front of the rear Observatory gates). Lat.: 48° 50' 5.208" N
On the Boulevard Arago (street side of the old Arago monument). Lat.: 48° 50' 4.520" N
On the Place de l'Ile de Sein (on south face of the old Arago monument). Lat.: 48° 5' 4.230" N
On the Place de l'Ile de Sein. Lat.: 48° 50' 3.660" N
On the Place de l'Ile de Sein. Lat.: 48° 50' 3.084" N
On the Place de l'Ile de Sein. Lat.: 48° 50' 2.904" N
At no. 81 Rue du Faubourg Saint Jacques. Lat.: 48° 50' 1.608" N
On the Place Saint Jacques. Lat.: 48° 49' 59.310" N (estimated)
In Parc Montsouris (on the alleys). Lat.: 48° 49' 26.830" N (estimated)
In Parc Montsouris (on the alleys). Lat.: 48° 49' 25.840" N (estimated)
In Parc Montsouris (on the alleys). Lat.: 48° 49' 20.630" N
In Parc Montsouris (on the alleys). Lat.: 48° 49' 20.190" N (estimated)
In Parc Montsouris (on the alleys). Lat.: 48° 49' 18.810" N (estimated)
In Parc Montsouris (on the alleys). Lat.: 48° 49' 18.408" N
In Parc Montsouris (on the alleys). Lat.: 48° 49' 16.990" N (estimated)
In Parc Montsouris (on the alleys). Lat.: 48° 49' 16.176" N
In Parc Montsouris (on the alleys). Lat.: 48° 49' 15.590" N (estimated)
'An 2000 - La Méridienne Verte' Paris Meridian Line marker. Lat.: 48° 49' 15.132"
On Boulevard Jourdan. Lat.: 48° 49' 15.130" N (estimated)
Mire du Sud Just inside the southern Parc Montsouris fence. Lat.: 48° 49' 14.670" N, Lon.: 2° 20' 13.500" E
On Boulevard Jourdan. Lat.: 48° 49' 14.300" N (estimated)
'An 2000 - La Méridienne Verte' Paris Meridian Line marker. Lat.: 48° 49' 14.290" N
Within the grounds of the Cité universitaire (on a line between the Canadian and Cambodian Pavilions). Lat.: 48° 49' 12.310" N (estimated)
Within the grounds of the Cité universitaire (on a line between the Canadian and Cambodian Pavilions). Lat.: 48° 49' 11.820" N
ithin the grounds of the Cité universitaire (on a line between the Canadian and Cambodian Pavilions). Lat.: 48° 49' 11.676" N
Within the grounds of the Cité universitaire (on a line between the Canadian and Cambodian Pavilions). Lat.: 48° 49' 11.352" N
Within the grounds of the Cité universitaire (on a line between the Canadian and Cambodian Pavilions). Lat.: 48° 49' 10.164" N
Within the grounds of the Cité universitaire (on a line between the Canadian and Cambodian Pavilions). Lat.: 48° 49' 8.832" N
Within the grounds of the Cité universitaire (on a line between the Canadian and Cambodian Pavilions). Lat.: 48° 49' 7.960" N (estimated)
Within the grounds of the Cité universitaire (on a line between the Canadian and Cambodian Pavilions). Lat.: 48° 49' 5.100" N (estimated)
Within the grounds of the Cité universitaire (on a line between the Canadian and Cambodian Pavilions). Lat.: 48° 49' 3.576" N
Within the grounds of the Cité universitaire (behind the Cambodian Pavilion). Lat.: 48° 49' 1.140" N (estimated)
Please note that Google Earth puts The Paris Meridian Line at 2° 20' 11.000" E, whereas most other sources put it at 2° 20' 14.000" E - a difference of around 100m [330 feet].
Knock on Wood
Often we use the phrase, "Knock on wood" - and proceed to do just that: Knock on a table or a door or whatever wood is handy.
In some circles it is believed that the origin of the phrase and practice comes from the wood of the rosary. Rosaries in the old days were made of oak wood and were fingered in time of distress or trouble. Thus, holding on to, touching or rubbing the wooden rosary or its wooden crucifix when danger was near became a common way for Christians to deal with hardships and difficulties.
The practice slipped into common use as "Knock on wood."
In some circles it is believed that the origin of the phrase and practice comes from the wood of the rosary. Rosaries in the old days were made of oak wood and were fingered in time of distress or trouble. Thus, holding on to, touching or rubbing the wooden rosary or its wooden crucifix when danger was near became a common way for Christians to deal with hardships and difficulties.
The practice slipped into common use as "Knock on wood."
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Ten Seconds Can Change the Course of History
It was 95 years ago today that the Titanic sank, and we are more fascinated by her than ever!
Something I found interesting, that shows how life can change in a blink of an eye, is this:
If the iceburg had been spotted 10 seconds earlier, there would have been time to steer the ship clear. If it had been spotted 10 seconds later, there would have been no time to turn the ship and she would have hit the iceburg head-on. This would have caused considerable damage, but she would have stayed afloat so that the passengers could be rescued.
Who says 10 seconds don't make a difference? It really makes you think...
Something I found interesting, that shows how life can change in a blink of an eye, is this:
If the iceburg had been spotted 10 seconds earlier, there would have been time to steer the ship clear. If it had been spotted 10 seconds later, there would have been no time to turn the ship and she would have hit the iceburg head-on. This would have caused considerable damage, but she would have stayed afloat so that the passengers could be rescued.
Who says 10 seconds don't make a difference? It really makes you think...
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